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Internet Rumor Damage

Damage caused by rumors on the Internet can be handled by law


It is not impossible for a malicious person to deliberately debilitate the reputation of a particular company or individual because, unlike face-to-face dialogues, it can be asserted from places where they can be anonymous.
Negative rumors can spread quickly far and wide, often to devastating consequences for victims.
In addition, bad reputations transmitted over the Internet can exert a great influence in an instant through SNS and other channels.
These harmful rumors and slanders can be eliminated by the site's operator (provider) and the person who wrote them through the appropriate process. You can also claim damages if you can obtain an IP address and identify the sender (writer).
However, since the storage period of IP addresses of each site operator is short, it is important for you to promptly consult with a legal professional.

Negative information scattered over the Internet can cause enormous damage to companies and organizations.

甚大な被害If the negative information on the Internet is left unattended, the following risks can be assumed.

  • Damage to the reputation of a company or product
  • Lower orders and contracts
  • Lower motivation in current employees 
  • Orders could be terminated by suppliers
  • Difficulty in recruiting new employees
  • Loss of credibility and leakage of personal information and confidential information

Please refrain from making deletion requests without consulting the advice of experts

知識のない方We do not advise that you ask for the deletion of negative information by yourself for several reasons. Firstly, without the necessary knowledge of procedure it is unlikely that a service provider will agree to your request. If your case is denied the other party will be then notified of your request, which only exacerbates the situation.
Instead of trying to request deletion based on information written on the Internet, first consult a person with expertise in net slandering before taking action.

Appropriate handling by experts is the safest and most effective solution to your problems.

Due to the fact that most people rarely interact with lawyers, they may feel encouraged to take the advice of opinions found online rather than consulting an expert before proceeding. Consulting an attorney is the best way for you to solve matters of slander without the risk of making the situation worse for yourself through error. 


Specific measures to deal with harmful rumors (procedures based on Law concerning the Liability of Internet Service Provider)


In May 2002, the Act on the Limitation of Liability for Damages of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers and the Right to Demand Disclosure of Identification Information of the Senders, which is generally referred to as the "Law concerning the Liability of Internet Service Provider" came into effect.
The enactment of this law provides a legal basis for requesting the deletion of the written content and for requesting the disclosure of information by those who have written it. Specific measures that can be taken in accordance with the law are as follows.

Requests for deletion of SNS content such as internet messaging boards, blogs, and Twitter

If you believe that there are harmful rumors being written about you on the internet, you can request that the writing be deleted along the Law concerning the Liability of Internet Service Provider.
Identify the content you wish to delete (the infringing information), where it is written, and the reason for the infringement, and request the provider to prevent the transmission of the harmful information by deleting the content.
The provider who receives the request for deletion confirms that the person who writes it agrees to the request for deletion and makes a decision on whether or not to actually delete it.

Petition for Provisional Disposition of Request for Deletion of Write

It is also possible that the provider does not respond to the request for write deletion.
In this case, you may file a provisional disposition to order the provider to delete the write in court proceedings.
Provisional dispositions are more expeditious than ordinary court proceedings.

Caller Information Disclosure Request

In addition to curbing harmful rumors, the provider can also be asked to disclose information about the person who wrote the content in order to identify the perpetrator of the slanderous claims.
You may have to request the disclosure of the caller information more than once, for example, when you have been through multiple providers from a communication route.

Claim for damage

If the person who wrote the information can be identified, compensation for damage may be claimed according to the contents of the written information.

To those suffering from internet rumors in Mito City

インターネットの風評被害Our attorneys sympathize with those who suffer from harmful rumors on the Internet.
If you are the victim of false rumors on the internet, please feel free to consult our office because we have a good track record in successfully getting "request for prompt deletion" and "claim for damages from the disclosure of the sender's information".
While any reputational damages caused by internet rumor can remain permanently, the IP address of the sender of the information will vanish after a period of time. Which is why it is essential that you consult a legal professional as soon as you can.
We look forward to hearing from you.
